First Page (Intro)

Hey, I am going to tell you all about how today computers have improved our society. Throughout history mankind has had to use libraries, until a two men by the name of John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert made the first computer and decided to call it the giant ENIAC machine. Back then computers were these huge devices that took up most of the room, but now they are a lot more advanced than they once were, this is the history of the computer.  The history of the computer is a magnificent story to tell. Did you know that computers were once huge electronics, just as big to fill an entire room, wow, as big as a room, can you believe that and now there like smaller than a TV. As you can see, the history of computers have changed a lot throughout the past years.
The use of computers in industry is incredibly magnificent as well. Computers are used in industry in different types of systems. Computer-controlled robots are used to perform many complicated jobs in industry. If you really want to hear more than keep reading. Today’s computer “robots” are used to assemble cars, and other types of electronics that may be hard to assemble just by hand.

The future of computers is another great idea in techonology history, for example look at the first apple computer and now look at todays apple computer. As you can see that the history and techonology of the computer has been improved  a whole lot throught the years.
Now that I told you about the computer, let me tell you how the computer has changed and helped improve my life. First the computer is faster than having to go to the library and looking it up today, all you have to do is go to google and type in what you want to look up and boom you got it. Second the computer is not only used for reasearch and information, it also has game websites. Finally the computer also improved the way information, weather, and ways you can communicate a lot better, think about it first you had to write a letter, stamp it, and send it which can take 1-2 days to be sent and then you have to wait like a while to get a response back, but now all you have to do is go to facebook, twitter, instagram, and other communicating websites and sign up and boom you can talk to your friends and they get the message instantly.
Todays Apple Computer

First Apple Computer

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